SmartRecruiters integration

How you can use TestGorilla assessments with the SmartRecruiters ATS

You can connect TestGorilla to your SmartRecruiters account, allowing you to invite candidates to an assessment and see the summarized results inside SmartRecruiters. This article explains how that works. The SmartRecruiters integration is available on the Pro plan and can be enabled by users with Admin or Owner access.

Please check with SmartRecruiters regarding the plan and access level needed on their side to make this work.

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In this article

  1. Set up the integration
    1. Connect the integration
    2. Configure the integration
    3. Use the integration
    4. Add an assessment to SmartRecruiters
    5. Invite candidates to an assessment
  2. Disable the integration
  3. Common questions

Set up the integration

The integration between SmartRecruiters and TestGorilla is turned on from the inside of your TestGorilla account, and the setup is configured inside of SmartRecruiters.


Connect the integration

From within your TestGorilla account:

Click your name in the top right corner of the browser and select the Integrations option from the drop-down menu.

Locate the SmartRecruiters integration and click the Enable button.
Copy the API Key.


Configure the integration

From within your SmartRecruiters account:

Click the profile pic of your account and go to Settings->Company settings->Administration-> Apps & Integrations.

Find TestGorilla in the list and click on it.

Click the Connect button to open the configuration page.

Click Allow and continue to open the Grant consent page.
Paste the API key and click on Grant Consent.

After completing the configuration you can start setting up triggers.


Use the integration

Once the integration is complete, you can invite your candidates manually or through a pre-configured stage in the hiring process and review their scores within SmartRecruiters.


Add an assessment to SmartRecruiters

Here's how to set up a hiring process that will automatically deliver the assessment to the candidate’s email:

Go to the Jobs section and select an existing or create a new job.

Click on Job to see different hiring processes that can be configured. Please refer to this SmartRecruiters article (available only when logged into SmartRecruiters) on the hiring process for more details.

Click the default hiring process, click Add step in In-Review stage, and select Skills Test. For more details, please refer to this SmartRecruiters article (available only when logged into SmartRecruiters) on automated assessments.

Click Save hiring process.

Click Skills Test and select Assessments.
Assessments will be shown under Preferred. Select an assessment and click Save.

Switch on the AUTO-TRIGGERED option beside the assessment configured in Step 5.
Click Save hiring process.


Invite candidates to an assessment

Candidates are automatically invited to the assessment from SmartRecruiters when the trigger is correctly set up as described in the previous step.


There is also an optional step of sending an assessment to the candidate manually:

  • Invite candidates individually. You can invite candidates individually, through the process described below.
In SmartRecruiters, find the candidate you want to send an assessment.

Select Browse in the Assessment tab on the right side of the screen.

Select TestGorilla as the partner.

Locate the assessment in the list, click on the checkbox beside it, and then click CONTINUE.

In the pop-up window, click SEND to invite the candidate.

Going back to the Assessments tab, you’ll see that the assessment was sent and is pending.

The candidate will receive their assessment invitation from TestGorilla within 30 minutes.


Review results

The candidate results will be shared in the SmartRecruiters assessments tab, once the assessment has been completed. Included is:

  • An overall summary of their results (score out of 100)
  • A link to their candidate page in TestGorilla
  • Details of anti-cheating flags and individual test scores

To view the full results, click See Results to open the candidate results page inside TestGorilla.


Disable the integration

If you decide to switch ATS platforms or, for some other reason, no longer want to use the integration with SmartRecruiters, click on Disconnect in SmartRecruiters and click on Disable integration in TestGorilla.


Common questions

Can a SmartRecruiters user see candidate results if they are not a user of TestGorilla?
No. SmartRecruiters users who are not users on your company’s TestGorilla account will not be able to access the candidate results page. They will be prompted to request access from the TestGorilla account owner as in the below screenshot.


Why aren’t my TestGorilla assessments appearing in SmartRecruiters?
ATS integrations will only recognize assessments created after the integration was enabled. You will need to create a new assessment to send via SmartRecruiters. Additionally, you will only be able to send each assessment once. If you’ve already sent the assessment to the candidate in question, it will not show up on the assessment selection screen.

Why doesn’t the Integrations tab appear in my user menu?
Because integrations can only be enabled or disabled by the Account owner or an Admin, the tab is only available to those users.

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