Zapier integration

How you can use TestGorilla assessments within the Zapier ATS

You can connect TestGorilla with Zapier to automate certain features of the platform. This article explains how that works. The Zapier integration is available on the Pro plan and can be enabled by users with Admin or Owner access. 

Please check with Zapier regarding the plan and access level needed on their side to make this work.

Approx. reading time 3 minutes

  1. Set up the integration
    1. Connect the integration
    2. Configure the integration
  2. Use the integration
    1. Using Zapier for...
    2. Usage recommendations


Set up the integration

The integration between Zapier and TestGorilla is turned on from inside your TestGorilla account and the setup is configured inside Zapier.

Connect the integration

You must be a TestGorilla Admin or Owner to be able to complete this step.

From within the TestGorilla application:

Click your name in the top right corner of the browser and select the Integrations option from the drop-down menu.
Locate the Zapier integration and click the Enable button.
Copy your API key.


Configure the integration

You’ll need to check with Zapier to ensure you have the right plan and access level to continue with this step.

From inside your Zapier account:

Create a zap inside your account.
Choose TestGorilla as your app and select an event.
Select Connect TestGorilla and click on Sign in.
Paste API key.


Use the integration

You can use TestGorilla as the trigger or as the action for your zap. As Zapier is an automation platform, there are thousands of choices you can make when connecting TestGorilla to another app.


Using Zapier for…

The practical uses of Zapier and TestGorilla are many, we encourage you to play around with the integration to get a feel for everything that is out there.

When it comes to trigger events, they are currently available for when a candidate starts or completes an assessment, or when an assessment is created or cloned. When used as an action, you can use Zapier to invite a candidate from TestGorilla.

If you want to use Zapier’s inbuilt tools for filtering, formatting, or delay, you can parse even more information from the assessment - such as its name, candidate results, candidate’s email address, and much more. 

On the Zapier website we created and published some example templates you can use to kick off your automation process, with websites or apps like Slack, Airtable, or Trello.


Usage recommendations

We are continuing to develop this integration, which means we are looking at practical examples to include as ideas here, in the Zapier help center, and on the platform.

As we learn from what is being automated, we will make creating zaps with TestGorilla a better user experience.

This is an ongoing process, if you’d like to get involved by sharing your feedback and ideas, please contact us.


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