Workable integration

How you can use TestGorilla assessments within the Workable ATS

You can connect TestGorilla to your Workable account, allowing you to invite candidates to an assessment and see the summarized results inside Workable. This article explains how that works. The Workable integration is available on the Pro plan and can be enabled by users with Admin or Owner access. 

Please check with Workable regarding the plan and access level needed on their side to make this work.

Approx. reading time 4 minutes

In this article

  1. Set up the integration
    1. Connect the integration
    2. Configure the integration
  2. Use the integration
    1. Set up the assessment
    2. Invite candidates
    3. Review results
  3. Disable the integration

Set up the integration

The integration between Workable and TestGorilla is turned on from the inside of your TestGorilla account and setup is configured inside of Workable.

Connect the integration

You must be a TestGorilla Admin or Owner to be able to complete this step.

From within the TestGorilla application:

Click your name in the top right corner of the browser and select the Integrations option from the drop-down menu
Locate the Workable integration  and click the  Enable  button
 Copy the API Key before heading into your Workable account to continue the setup.


Configure the integration

You’ll need to check with Workable to ensure you have the right plan and access level to continue with this step.

From inside of your Workable account:

Click your avatar in the top right corner of the browser and select Settings from the drop-down menu
Choose Integrations from the menu on the right side of the next screen.
Locate TestGorilla under the Assessments providers header.
Click on settings and paste the API key into the text box — the one you copied from the TestGorilla platform.
Select Update settings


Use the integration

After you connect and configure the integration, you can proceed to invite your candidates and review their results within the Workable platform.

Set up the assessment

To enable the option of sending an assessment, you must first add it to a job you created inside Workable.

To add an assessment to a job:

Create or edit a job and select the Workflow tab.
Choose the Assessment stage of the pipeline and click on Add assessment.
Under the heading Third party assessment providers, select TestGorilla and click on the assessment that you want to use for this job

This configures the assessment with the job so you will now be able to invite candidates from that stage. You can also set up automated actions in Workable to automatically send the assessment invite to candidates.

To add an assessment when inviting a candidate:

Click on the Candidates tab and choose the candidate you wish to invite
Move the candidate stage to Assessment 
Click onand Set up the assessment (this will open a new tab)
In the new tab, under Third-party assessment providers, select the TestGorilla assessment you would like to invite the candidate to and save changes

You will then be able to click on the same icon as in Step 3. to send out the assessment to that candidate.


Invite candidates

Applicants will be invited to a TestGorilla assessment by clicking a few buttons inside Workable. In order to ensure that your candidate receives an email invitation to complete the appropriate assessment, follow the below steps:

Within Workable, click on the Candidates tab. This will load the candidate’s page. Locate the candidate and select them. This will load their candidate record on a new screen.
Change the candidate stage to Assessment using the green button in the top right corner of the candidate screen.
Click on Send an assessment to the candidate and hit Confirm on the subsequent dialog box. An invitation email will be sent from TestGorilla to the candidate.

Your activity will also be reflected in the timeline inside the candidate’s profile.


Review results

Once the candidate completes the assessment, you will be notified in your Workable inbox and inside the timeline on your candidate’s profile.

workable1You can review the results from your inbox, or from the candidate’s timeline.

The results section in Workable includes:

  • Detailed test scores
  • Anti-cheating monitor information

To see the full report, click on the link that will take you directly to TestGorilla.


Disable the integration

If you decide to switch ATS platforms or for some other reason no longer want to use the integration with Workable, you can disable the integration.

In TestGorilla, click your name in the top right corner of the browser and select the Integrations option from the drop-down menu.
Click the Disable button on the Workable integration.
Hit Disable on the popup that appears asking you to confirm your choice.


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