SAP SuccessFactors integration

How you can use TestGorilla assessments within the SuccessFactors ATS

The TestGorilla integration helps invite your candidates to take TestGorilla assessments from inside the SuccessFactors platform. This article explains how that works. The SuccessFactors integration is available on the Pro plan and can be enabled by users with Admin or Owner access. 

Please check with SuccessFactors regarding the plan and access level needed on their side to make this work.


Approx. reading time 4 minutes

In this article

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Set up the integration
    1. Connect the integration
    2. Configure the integration
  3. Set up assessment test packages
    1. Invite candidates
    2. Review results
  4. Disable the integration


Please carefully read this article to make sure you can complete the setup.


Set up the integration

The integration between SuccessFactors and TestGorilla is turned on from the inside of your TestGorilla account and the setup is configured inside of SuccessFactors.

Connect the integration

You must be a TestGorilla Admin or Owner to complete this step.

From within the TestGorilla application:

Click your name in the top right corner of the browser and select the Integrations option from the drop-down menu

Locate the SuccessFactors integration and click the Enable button. Wait for the following popup to open: 


Configure the integration

Follow the steps outlined in this article.


Set up assessment test packages

SuccessFactors doesn't allow automating the creation of assessment test packages, so they have to be created manually.

Please refer to the following articles to create assessment test packages:


Use the integration

After you connect and configure the integration, you can proceed to invite your candidates and review their results within the SuccessFactors platform.


Invite candidates

Search for View Job Requisitions. 

Go to the job you have configured with the assessment package to be sent.

Open the Candidates section. 

Click on the candidate you want to invite and select Move Candidate under the Take Action Dropdown Menu. 

In the dialogue box, choose the correct status and sub item to move the candidate and click Apply Updates

Go to the relevant status and select the invited candidate and the Assessments section will contain the name and status. 


Review results

The candidate results will be shared in SuccessFactors once the assessment has been completed. 


What do test results look like in SAP SuccessFactors?


Here's an example result:

The results section in SuccessFactors includes:

  • An overall summary of their results (score out of 100)
  • A link to their candidate page in TestGorilla
  • Anti-cheating monitor information

To view the full results, click View detailed results to open the candidate results page inside of TestGorilla.


Disable the integration

If you decide to switch ATS platforms or for some other reason no longer want to use the integration with SuccessFactors, you can disable the integration.

In TestGorilla, click your name in the top right corner of the browser and select the Integrations option from the drop-down menu.
Click the Disable button on the Workable integration.
Hit Disable on the popup that appears asking you to confirm your choice.


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