Introduction to the TestGorilla platform

A quick guide to help you navigate around your account.

We appreciate that using a new platform can be a little daunting. That’s why we try to keep things as simple as possible. This article discusses key areas of your TestGorilla dashboard while linking you to more detailed walkthroughs should you need them! This article is a great starting point for new TestGorilla customers, on either Free or Paid plans.

Approx. reading time: 4 minutes

In this article

  1. Platform overview 
  2. Assessments
  3. Candidates
  4. Tests
  5. User menu
  6. Common questions

Platform overview

Ready to get started? The below video summarizes the important parts of our platform.


The Assessments tab is your landing page. It is where you’ll go to make new assessments, and to access all of your existing assessments. 

Create a new assessment by clicking the button in the top right corner of the page. Our Comprehensive guide to creating an assessment will teach you more details about this.
Search for an assessment using a keyword or title. 
Switch between active, inactive, and archived assessments by clicking the relevant button above the table.
Clicking on an assessment will take you to the assessment overview, where you will find your candidate results and the content of your assessment. See this guide to learn more about editing assessments or this guide to learn about analyzing candidate results.



The assessment table gives you the following basic information:

Name.  A list of your assessments, by name. Naming the assessment is completely up to you. See our Guide to making assessments for some tips.
Candidates. The total number of candidates that have been invited to take the assessment.

Progress.  A progress bar will display the number of candidates who have been invited to, started, completed, or have been disqualified from your assessment. The bar will display a different color for each stage:

  • Green: Completed
  • Orange: Started, but haven’t finished
  • Gray: Invited, but not yet started
  • Red: Disqualified, through the use of qualifying questions
Last activity. The date of the last time any activity occurred on the assessment. This includes all activities, such as the last time a candidate took the assessment, the last time a change was made to the assessment, or the date the assessment was archived or unarchived.
Date created. The date the assessment was created. This is the default field used for sorting the table. Your most recently created assessment will appear at the top of the list.

Expires. This lists any deadlines you have set for an assessment.

Actions. Includes quick links for you to:

  • Edit. To edit assessments that do not yet have candidates invited.
  • Clone. Make a copy of your assessment, to use it as the basis for a new one.
  • Manage access. Set the visibility options for the assessment for each user.
  • Archive/Unarchive. Close your assessment and move it to the Archived tab, or unarchive it to move it back to the active tab
Note: You can’t edit or invite candidates to an archived assessment. You must unarchive it to do this. You can still view candidate results of archived assessments.



The Candidates tab allows you to search and filter through your candidates. A candidate only appears in the Candidates tab under the following circumstances: 

  1. The candidate has started or been disqualified from the assessment. They do not count as a candidate if they have been invited to an assessment but have not attempted to start taking it.
  2. You have access to the assessment they took. You do not see candidates that take assessments restricted to you. Our article on Advanced user rights goes into greater detail on this.

Selecting a candidate will take you directly to their results page. From here, you can see how they fared in all the assessments they have taken. You can then leave a rating, reject them, or invite them to the next stage of your process. You can learn more about this in our Guide to analyzing results.

Using this tab, you can:

Search for a candidate using their name or email address.
Filter by assessment taken. Select the assessment from the dropdown list. 
Filter by test taken. Select from individual tests you have used from the dropdown list.
Filter by job role. If you included a job role when creating your assessment, you can search for that, too.
Create a new assessment.
Note: Candidates will only appear if you have access to the assessment they have taken. See our guide on Advanced user rights for further details.



The Tests tab is where you can view all of the tests in our test library. We have a detailed guide here that tells you all you need to know about tests, including exactly what they are and how to make effective use of them, and how to use the test library.

User menu

The User menu is found by clicking on your name in the top-right corner of the window. Depending on your user role, you will have different options available to you. These range from adding your company logo and color scheme to enabling integrations.

We have a dedicated guide to account settings that goes into further detail about all of these options.


Common questions

How can I change my password?
You can do this by clicking on your name to open the User menu, then selecting My profile. The option to change your password is in there. Please see our Account settings article for a full guide.


Why can’t I see some candidates in the Candidates tab?
If there are candidates missing from your list, it is likely that you do not have access to the assessment they have taken, or they didn’t yet attempt to begin the assessment. Please see the Candidates section above for more details.


Why can’t I make changes to an assessment?
There are 2 possible reasons for this:

  1. Candidates have already been invited to take the assessment. In the interests of fairness, an assessment cannot be edited after candidates have been invited. It isn’t possible to fairly compare candidates if they have not taken the same tests, with the same questions, and under the same time constraints. You would need to clone your assessment; this gives you a fresh copy to make changes to. See our Comprehensive guide to assessments for complete details.
  2. Users with the Hiring manager role do not have permissions to create, edit, or archive assessments. Essentially, they have read-only access. You would need to contact your account owner or admin in this case.
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