Downloading and sharing results

How to download and share candidates’ assessment results with them or colleagues.

Downloading your results can serve several purposes. You may be looking for greater insight into the assessment itself, such as the sources of your applicants. Alternatively, you may wish to share the results of a promising candidate with a member of your team. This guide will explain how you can accomplish this. This article is aimed at all TestGorilla users. PDF downloads are available on the Starter and Pro plans.

Approx. reading time 6 minutes

In this article

  1. Downloading assessment results
    1. Information included in an assessment download
  2. Downloading candidate results
    1. Information included in a candidate download
  3. Sharing results
    1. Sharing with colleagues
    2. Sharing with a candidate
  4. Common questions


Downloading assessment results

Assessment results are downloaded from the assessment overview page and are available as CSV, XLSX, or PDF files.

From the assessment overview:

Click the settings button at the top, then hover your cursor over the Download results button.

Select the required file type from the menu. Your download will begin automatically.


Information included in an assessment download


Available to users on all plans.

The CSV and Excel downloads contain the individual candidate results for every candidate who took the assessment. Each row corresponds to one candidate. The spreadsheet provides the following columns of information:

Column header What this means
First name

First name of candidate

Last name

Last name of candidate


Email address used by the candidate to request the assessment invitation


The source of the candidate's invitation. This could be:

Invitation date

The date the candidate was invited to take the assessment

Completion date

The date the candidate completed the assessment


The options for status are:

  • Invited
  • Started — but not yet completed
  • Completed
  • Disqualified

The options for stage are:

  • Not yet evaluated
  • Evaluated
  • Invited for interview
  • Interviewed
  • Invited for take-home test
  • Take-home test completed
  • References checked
  • Offer sent
  • Offer declined
  • Candidate withdrew
  • Candidate unresponsive
  • Rejected
  • Hired
Scoring benchmark

The name of the scoring benchmark you've chosen

Average score The average score is the mathematical mean of all of the tests in this assessment for the individual candidate for the chosen scoring benchmark
Test scores

There will be up to five columns of information. Each column title will be the title of one of your chosen tests. The information in the cell for each respective candidate will be the score for that test, as it relates to the chosen scoring benchmark.

Filled out only once from IP address?

These are all part of our anti-cheating monitors and will return a Yes or No value to indicate a Yes or No answer to the specific question.

Webcam enabled?
Full-screen mode always active?
Mouse always in assessment window?
Your rating

This corresponds to the 5-star rating system found in the TestGorilla platform. The possible values are:

  • Blank — meaning the candidate is yet unrated
  • Whole numbers between 1 and 5
Notes about the candidate

Any notes that you've left about the overall assessment of the candidate. This does not include the notes for each custom question

Custom questions

There will be one column for each custom question that was asked. The cells will contain the answers given by each candidate.



Available to users on the Starter and  Pro plans.

The PDF file will contain an overview of candidate results, along with details about the assessment, including:

The overall number of candidates invited to the assessment and their progress status (completed, started, invited, disqualified)
The tests and custom questions included in the assessment

Two graphs on candidate performance:

  • Overall performance
  • Performance by test
A list of candidates with their name, the date they were invited on, their average score, and your rating (In other words, the same info you see on the main assessment screen)


Downloading candidate results

Candidate results are downloaded directly from the candidate’s results page. This is also available as a CSV, XLSX, or PDF file.

From the candidate’s results page:

Click the Download resultsDownload results button at the top of the page.

Select the required file type from the dropdown menu. Your download will begin automatically.


Information included in an assessment download


Available to users on the Starter and Pro plans.

The PDF file includes an overview of the candidate’s test results — along with an in-depth analysis of any culture or personality tests you included in the assessment — as well as their answers and your ratings for the custom questions:

The candidate summary includes their name, email, status of their assessment, average score, scoring method, and your rating of them.

The anti-cheating monitor highlights any flags that have been raised.

Test scores summarize your candidate’s performance in your chosen tests. Each test is broken down into skill areas — the bars represent how they performed in each skill area. 


Motivation / culture add results display how closely their answers align with yours.
Personality test results will display their personality type and its summary.

Custom questions will show you:

  • The question you asked
  • Their answer
  • How you rated the answer


Sharing results

Upon completion of the assessment, you may wish to share the results. Your colleagues will be interested in seeing the perfect candidate you have found, while the candidate themselves may want to know how they performed. 


Sharing with colleagues

You can share downloaded results files with your colleagues through any means you see fit — be it via email or Slack message. The recipient does not need to be a TestGorilla user to view the results file, but they would need access to the platform to view responses to video and file upload questions. 

Please note the differences between the results pages and a file download:

  • Only one snapshot is viewable on the downloaded version. You must view the results on the TestGorilla app to cycle through them all.
  • Results displayed on the download are based on the selected scoring benchmark only. Different benchmarks will require either multiple downloads, or logging in to the TestGorilla app.
  • Answers to video and file upload custom questions can only be viewed on the TestGorilla app. Colleagues must log in to the app to view them.
Note: If your colleague is not a registered user of your TestGorilla account, the account owner or admin will need to add them as a user for them to view these features.


Sharing with a candidate

All registered account users on any plan can share results with a candidate.

You can share a limited version of the results with your candidate from within the app. This version only includes their test results and their answers to your custom questions. They cannot see anti-cheating information, snapshots, your star ratings, or any notes you have made about them.

We explain how to share your candidates' results with them in our managing candidates article.

The results are sent to them as a PDF file:

Test scores summarize the candidate’s performance in your chosen tests. Each test is broken down into skill areas.

Note: Candidates will only see the percentage of questions they answered correctly. No scoring benchmark is used.

Motivation/culture add results displays the answers the candidate chose, and their score for each section. It doesn’t display which answers were closely aligned with yours.

Personality test results will display their personality type and its summary.

Custom questions will show the question asked and how they are answered. They cannot view their answers to file upload or video questions.


Common questions

Can I share the full results download with a candidate?
We don’t recommend this as the candidate will be able to see your notes and ratings of them. They can also see the anti-cheating information that has been collected. If this is not an issue to you, you can send them the results file via your email — as if you were sending them to a colleague. It cannot be sent via the TestGorilla app.

Can I share results with a colleague not on TestGorilla?
Yes, you can. Your downloaded results can be sent to anybody outside of your TestGorilla account — simply attach the downloaded file to the communication method of your choice. Bear in mind that, to view the responses to video and file upload questions, the colleague will need to log in to the TestGorilla app. Consider adding detailed notes on the candidate’s answers to help you communicate important details and feedback.

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