Manage access to assessments

Managing access to assessments allows you to control which of your account users have access to each assessment.

Perhaps your company is hiring for multiple departments, or you are a recruiting agency working with several clients. In such scenarios, you'd want each user to only have access to the assessments and candidates relevant to them. By managing access to assessments, you can limit the visibility of your assessments to specific team members. Managing access to assessments is available to users with Owner, Admin, or Recruiter roles on the Pro plan.

Approx. reading time 4 minutes

In this article

  1. Manage assessment access
    1. While creating or editing an assessment
    2. From the assessment overview
    3. From the Assessments tab
  2. Set user rights
  3. Default access to assessments
  4. What restrictions are put in place?
  5. Common questions
Tip: By default, all users have access to existing assessments. This guide explains how to change that.


Manage assessment access

Access to assessments can be accessed during the final step of the assessment creation process, from the assessment overview page, or the Assessments tab of your account.


Access while creating or editing an assessment

The first way to manage access is while creating a new assessment or while editing an existing one.

On Step 4 of the assessment creation process, scroll down to Settings.

Click the Manage access label to expand it.

Proceed to the section on setting user rights to set the rights of your account users.



Access from the assessment overview

Perhaps you've already settled on the assessment or candidates have already started taking it, so you can't edit it. The second way to access advanced user rights is from the overview page of an existing assessment.

Tip:  While you cannot edit an assessment after candidates have been invited, you can manage advanced user rights at any time!


Click the three dots icon and then the Manage access button in the top right corner of the assessment overview page. A pop-up with all of your account users will appear.

Proceed to the section on setting user rights to set the rights of your account users.


Access from the Assessments tab

The third way to access advanced user rights is from the Assessments tab.

Select the three dots iconon the far right side of the table for the assessment that you'd like to manage access to. This produces a list of options.

Click Manage access to produce a pop-up with a list of all of the users in your account.

Proceed to the section on setting user rights to set the rights of your account users.


Set user rights

Whether you've accessed user rights while creating an assessment, from the assessment overview page, or the Assessments tab, you should now look at a list of all users in your account.

Locate the person whose access you'd like to manage. If the list is large, you can search for users by name or email address in the search box found at the top of the list! You can also filter the list by role type.
Select or deselect the users according to whether or not they should have access. A check means access is granted, while an empty check box means the user doesn't have access.  You can also Select all or Deselect all.

Save your changes by clicking the green save changes button. If you're accessing this list while creating an assessment, this is not necessary, so the button doesn't appear.

Note:  Some users' access cannot be changed. See the section on who can change user rights for full details.


Default access to assessments 

By default, assessments created after December 14, 2021, will be visible to the account Owner, Admins, and the Assessment Creator regardless of the creator's user role.  The account Owner and Admin users have access to all assessments; this cannot be changed.

When an assessment is cloned, the same user rights will carry over from the original assessment. You can edit those as needed.

Note: By default, assessments created before  December 14, 2021, will be visible to all account users added before that date. You can change this as you see fit.


The below table indicates who can assign access to assessments:

User role Creator Can change access for:
Account owner N/A Recruiter, Hiring manager
Admin N/A Recruiter, Hiring manager
Recruiter ✔️ Recruiter, Hiring manager
✖️ Hiring manager
Hiring manager N/A Cannot change access
* No user can remove their own access.

Example: If a Recruiter were to create an assessment, they would be the assessment Creator and would have full access to the assessment straight away.

An  Admin would be able to remove this access this by managing access to the assessment.


What restrictions are put in place?

If a user does not have access to an assessment, that assessment will not appear in the Assessments tab. Similarly, candidates within these assessments will not appear in the Candidates tab.

Barbara Robertson, a Recruiter in the above example, was not granted access to view the assessment for Salesperson. Their Candidate tab remains empty. If they were to be granted access in the future, the candidates who took the Salesperson assessment would appear.


Common questions

What will happen if a candidate has taken multiple assessments, and a user only has access to some of them? Will they still see those candidates?
Users can search for individual candidates by name or email address in the Candidates tab. If a candidate takes more than one assessment, but the user only has access to one of them, search results will appear but will only display the report for the assessment(s) the user has access to.

Who are advanced user rights available to?
Users on the Pro plan have access to this feature. Legacy plan users would need to switch to a new plan to receive this feature.


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