Legacy plans

When we stop offering a plan to new customers it becomes a Legacy plan.

Our team works hard to make sure TestGorilla gets better each day. This often means new features and improvements, new tests, and even localizing into other languages. As TestGorilla evolves, our plans do as well. Our priority is to offer legacy customers a policy for plan changes that are fair and transparent, but we also have to be mindful of doing what's right for the business long-term.

Are you currently using a Pay-as-you-go, Scale, or Business plan? These plans are now considered Legacy plans as we have introduced updates to our available subscription options. Information regarding billing cycles, credits, and other details about them can be found in the article below

Approx. reading time 8 minutes

In this article

  1. What is a legacy plan?
    1. How this might affect you
  2. July 2023 changes
    1.  Pay-as-you-go plan pricing
    2.  Scale plan pricing
    3.  Business plan pricing
    4. Feature comparison
    5. Usage details
    6. Billing cycles
    7. Explanation of credits
      1. Assessment credits
      2. Candidate credits
      3. Examples of credit usage
  3. June 2022 changes
  4. Plans predating August 2021
  5. Common questions

What is a Legacy plan?

When TestGorilla stops offering a plan to new customers, it becomes a Legacy plan. Customers who had these plans when they were discontinued were given the option to remain on them for the time being. However, the plans are no longer offered to new or returning customers.

On your Plan & billing tab, you'll see the word legacy in parenthesis next to your plan name, if you're on a Legacy plan. 

How this might affect you

If you’re on a Legacy plan, you’ll be able to continue with the plan when it’s time for it to renew, but eventually, you will be migrated to one of the new plans. Of course, we will notify you before we make any changes to your plan, as detailed in our Terms of use.

If you are a returning customer and your previous plan is no longer listed on our pricing page, it’s now a Legacy plan. You will not be able to purchase your old plan. You will have to choose from one of our current options.


July 2023 changes

In July 2023, we made changes to our premium plans. If you signed up for a Pay-as-you-go, Scale, or Business plan before this date, your plan will continue for one year with the features that it includes at the time of purchase.

When your plan comes up for renewal, you will automatically be renewed on your existing plan. If you have questions about feature changes between the two plans, please search your inbox for our email or get in touch with our success team.


The account owner can change plans at any time via the Plan & billing tab. For details about changing or canceling your plan, check out Subscribe to, change, or cancel a plan. If you would like to upgrade or downgrade your account and you are on a Pay-as-you-go, Scale, or Business plan, you will only be able to choose from the new Starter and Pro plans. For more information on the features of each available plan, click here. You can still downgrade to a Free account at any time. 

Pay-as-you-go, Scale, and Business plans use our previous credit system, while our newer plans no longer rely on this system. Below, you will find an outline of these plans, along with the credit system, as well as examples of its usage.


 Pay-as-you-go plan pricing

(For businesses that hire occasionally and want flexibility)

Currency Subscription Price Assessment Credits Candidate Credits



Billed at $429 per year

Included: 1 per year

Additional: $203.50 each

Included: 100 per year

Additional: $1.65 each



Billed at €363 per year

Included: 1 per year

Additional: €170.50 each

Included: 100 per year

Additional: €1.38 each



Billed at £330 per year

Included: 1 per year

Additional: £159.50 each

Included: 100 per year

Additional: £1.27 each



Billed at $561 per year

Included: 1 per year

Additional: $275 each

Included: 100 per year

Additional: $2.26 each



Billed at ₹27,500 per year

Included: 1 per year

Additional: ₹13,750 each

Included: 100 per year

Additional: ₹110 each


Additional features of the Pay-as-you-go plan:

  • Unlimited access to our entire library of over 400 tests
  • Each of your assessments can include any combination of up to five tests and five custom questions from the following types:
    • Multiple-choice
    • Essay
    • File upload
  • Welcome videos for candidates
  • Unlimited account users

See all features


 Scale plan pricing

(For growing businesses who want all features and customization)

Currency Subscription Price Assessment Credits Candidate Credits



Billed at $5,363 per year

Included: 15 per year

Additional: $165 each

Included: 1,500 per year

Additional: $1.27 each



Billed at €4,538 per year

Included: 15 per year

Additional: €137.50 each

Included: 1,500 per year

Additional: €1.05 each



Billed at £4,043 per year

Included: 15 per year

Additional: £126.50 each

Included: 1,500 per year

Additional: £0.99 each



Billed at $7,013 per year

Included: 15 per year

Additional: $225.50 each

Included: 1,500 per year

Additional: $1.71 each



Billed at ₹330,000 per year

Included: 15 per year

Additional: ₹11,000 each

Included: 1,500 per year

Additional: ₹82.50 each


Additional features of the Scale plan:

  • Everything in Pay-as-you-go plus:
  • Additional custom question types
    • Video response
    • Custom coding challenges
  • Create your own custom tests
  • Qualifying questions
  • Brand assessments with your logo and color
  • Advanced user rights
  • PDF reports of candidates
  • ATS integrations
  • Unique invitation links per source

See all features


 Business plan pricing

(For businesses with high-volume hiring needs)

Currency Subscription Price Assessment Credits Candidate Credits



Billed at $36,300 per year

Included: 125 per year

Additional: $132 each

Included: 12,500 per year

Additional: $0.99 each



Billed at €30,525 per year

Included: 125 per year

Additional: €110 each

Included: 12,500 per year

Additional: €0.83 each



Billed at £28,050 per year

Included: 125 per year

Additional: £99 each

Included: 12,500 per year

Additional: £0.77 each



Billed at $47,850 per year

Included: 125 per year

Additional: $181.50 each

Included: 12,500 per year

Additional: $1.38 each



Billed at ₹2,227,500 per year

Included: 125 per year

Additional: ₹8,938 each

Included: 12,500 per year

Additional: ₹68.75 each


Additional features of the Business plan:

  • Everything in Scale plus:
  • API access for custom integrations
  • Onboarding training program
  • Customer and candidate support SLA

See all features


Feature comparison

  Pay-as-you-go Scale Business
Test Library 400+ 400+ 400+
Cognitive ability tests yes yes yes

Situational judgment tests

yes yes yes
Job-specific tests yes yes yes
Software tests yes yes yes
Programming tests (incl. coding challenges) yes yes yes
Language tests yes yes yes
Personality tests yes yes yes
Culture add test yes yes yes
Your own custom tests no yes yes
Custom questions per assessment 10 10 20
Test recommendations for each job role yes yes yes
Tests per assessment 5 5 5
Assessment templates yes yes yes
Functionality To Hire Developers
Coding languages JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, Typescript, Go, R, Scala and Swift JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, Typescript, Go, R, Scala and Swift JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, Typescript, Go, R, Scala and Swift
Web development frameworks yes yes yes
Mobile development frameworks yes yes yes
Algorithmic thinking challenges yes yes yes
Debugging challenges yes yes yes
Language-specific concept challenges yes yes yes
Your own custom coding challenges no yes yes
Code playback function yes yes yes
Automated scoring yes yes yes
Video Interviews
One-way video interview no yes yes
Custom video questions per assessment - 10 20
Candidate's recording attempts per question - 3 3
Restrict maximum answer length - 3 Options:
30 sec, 60 sec, 2 min
3 Options:
30 sec, 60 sec, 2 min
Recording and playback on any device - yes yes
Rate and comment on video answers - yes yes
Candidate Experience & Company Branding
Your company's intro or outro video yes yes yes
Assessments branded with your company logo and color no yes yes
Customizable invitation and rejection emails yes yes yes
No login is required for candidates yes yes yes
Mobile-friendly yes yes yes
Help and support for your candidates yes yes yes
Typical assessment length 30-60 minutes
Qualifying questions before the assessment no 5 5
Enterprise / Start-Up Friendly
ATS integration no yes yes
GDPR compliant yes yes yes
Multiple candidate invitation options yes yes yes
Public link to invite candidates yes yes yes
Public links for each candidate source no yes yes
Bulk invite candidates (CSV/XLSX upload) yes yes yes
Track candidate stages from invited to hired yes yes yes
API access no no yes
Bulk actions to manage candidates no yes yes
Quality Control
Proprietary algorithms that continuously improve the quality of each test yes yes yes
Extensive quality check before tests go live 28-step process incl. peer reviews, sample testing, copywriters, review by a psychometrician, and more
Questions are automatically replaced after reaching the exposure limit To maintain test integrity, TestGorilla has a proprietary item selection algorithm in place that includes item exposure controls to prevent any specific question from being exposed to more than 25% of candidates.
Customer feedback used to improve tests yes yes yes
Test-taker feedback used to improve tests yes yes yes
Anti-Cheating Measures
IP address logging (to avoid multiple attempts by the same candidate) yes yes yes
Logging of candidate location yes yes yes
Webcam snapshots (with the option to turn on/off) yes yes yes

Full-screen mode detection (to avoid research during the test)

yes yes yes

Randomized questions per test

yes yes yes

Large question pool for each test

Yes, 100+
Questions and answers not visible to employers to protect test integrity yes yes yes
Time limit on tests yes yes yes
Copy-paste disabled yes yes yes
Reporting and Analytics
PDF reports of assessments and individual candidates no yes yes
Excel and CSV reports of assessments and individual candidates yes yes yes
Comprehensive overview of all current and past candidates yes yes yes
Scoring benchmarks for candidates (including percentile rank scoring) yes yes yes
Add your ratings and personal notes for candidates yes yes yes
Customer Support
Live chat yes yes yes
Help center yes yes yes
Email support yes yes yes
Training & onboarding tour yes yes yes
Phone assistance no no yes



Usage details

You can find the usage details of your paid plan under the plan & billing tab, beneath your basic plan information.

There are four headings related to usage, as shown in the below screenshot:

  • Assessment credits (from plan)
  • Candidate credits (from plan)
  • Assessment credits (additional)
  • Candidate credits (additional)

The below tables of definitions explain the terms you’ll see under each of these headings.


Credits (from plan)

Name of plan

The number of candidate or assessment credits included in your plan.

Example: the Business plan shown in this article includes 12,500 candidate credits and 125 assessment credits.


The number of credits that may have been added to your account outside of your plan terms. These might include credits we’ve refunded or gifted to you. It could also include credits that you paid for in bulk outside of your plan terms.


The number of credits that have been consumed within the boundaries of your plan.


Credits (additional)


The overage credits used and billed for during the current billing year. These are credits used and billed if you run out of pre-paid plan credits, and they get charged to your saved payment method each month on the day you subscribed.

Example: Last month, Emily used 20 candidate credits after running out of plan credits. Her plan charges $0.70 per extra candidate for these credits. Emily is billed $14 for additional candidate credits this month.
Paid The total overage credits that have already been paid for during your current billing year.
Payment due Any credits that have been billed and are past due. We’re awaiting payment for this amount. Please check your payment method.
Unbilled charges Charges for additional credits that will be invoiced at the end of your billing month.


Billing cycles

All currently offered paid plans automatically renew every year, with monthly charges for overage fees. The calendar date that you started your plan determines the date of your billing cycle.

Note: To ensure a candidate is never blocked from starting one of your assessments, and your team is not blocked from publishing assessments, you do not purchase additional credits before use. Instead, extra credits are automatically charged monthly through the payment method we have saved in your account.

There are two billing cycles to be aware of:

Annual cycle

Your base plan is automatically renewed each year unless you choose to cancel before the renewal takes place.

Example :
Emily signed up for a Business plan on August 10th, 2021. Her Business plan will renew on August 10th, 2022.
If she does not want the plan to renew, she will need to downgrade to the Free plan prior to the renewal.
If she renews the plan, she will receive 12,500 candidate credits and 125 assessment credits.

Please review the Information about upgrading and downgrading your plan for more information regarding this.

Monthly cycle

If you run out of pre-paid credits, you’ll incur charges for additional credits used. These are charged automatically every 30 days from the subscription date. Additional credits used during a monthly cycle will be reflected on the next invoice.

Example : In the above scenario, Emily subscribed on August 10th.
So every 10th of the month, she is charged for any additional credits used the previous month.
She runs out of candidate credits on April 12th, and uses 200 more by May 9th.
She is charged for those 200 candidate credits on May 10th.

Emily will continue to automatically accrue charges as she uses the product, and they will be charged on the 10th of each month until her annual plan renews.

Note: If you use overage credits during the last month of your annual cycle or just before an upgrade, you will be charged twice: once for overages and once for the subscription.


Change your plan

The account owner can change plans at any time via the Plan & billing tab. For details about changing or canceling your plan, check out Subscribe to, change, or cancel a plan.


Explanation of credits

Each paid plan includes a specific number of assessment and candidate credits. It’s important to understand how credits are used. All credits included with your plan expire on the date of your plan’s renewal. Unused credits do not roll over into your next cycle. 

Note: It is not possible to restore used credits.


Assessment credits

Assessment credits are deducted from your balance when both of the below conditions are met:

  1. The published assessment contains a premium test or feature (i.e. a feature or test not included in the free plan)
  2. An external candidate begins taking the assessment. An external candidate is someone whose email address is not registered as an account user in your TestGorilla account. Your account’s registered users are considered internal candidates and can freely test your created assessments without expending credits.


Candidate credits

One external candidate taking one assessment uses one candidate credit. However, there are a few things to note about candidate credits:

  • A candidate credit is deducted from your balance when an external candidate starts an assessment, regardless of whether they complete it.
  • External candidates are any candidates who are not registered users of your account. If you want one of your account users to try an assessment for free, you’ll want to invite them to the assessment through the email address they use to log in to your TestGorilla account.
  • Candidates are identified as unique based on email address. This means if you John Smith take your assessment using john@smith.com and johnsmith@gmail.com - the system sees John as two separate candidates.
  • If the same external candidate takes two different assessments for your company, this counts as two candidates.
  • Candidate credits are only used on Premium assessments — assessments that result in the deduction of an assessment credit.
  • Candidates who are disqualified through the use of qualifying questions are prevented from starting the assessment, so they do not count as candidates for billing purposes. This means they do not use a candidate credit.
   Note: it is not possible to restore used credits.


Examples of credit usage

To help understand credit usage a bit better, below are five scenarios and how the credits would be calculated:

Scenario one

Emily invites 50 people to an assessment on a free plan that includes five free tests and one custom multiple-choice question. No other premium features are used for the assessment. 40 people begin the assessment. 25 people complete it. The other 10 never start.

In this case, Emily created a free assessment because she only used free tests and one free custom question. This means no candidate credits or assessment credits are deducted. 


Scenario two

Emily invites 50 people to an assessment that includes a mix of premium tests and features. 40 people begin the assessment. 25 people complete it. The other 10 never start.

In this case, Emily uses one assessment credit. 40 people begin the assessment, so she also uses 40 candidate credits.


Scenario three

Emily invites 50 people to an assessment that includes a mix of premium tests and features, and includes qualifying questions. 40 people attempt to begin the assessment but 10 are disqualified. 25 people complete the assessment and the other 5 begin but do not finish. 

In this case, Emily uses one assessment credit. 30 people begin the assessment, so she also uses 30 candidate credits. Because 10 of them were disqualified, she saved 10 candidate credits.


Scenario four

Emily invites 10 people to each complete 3 separate assessments that all include a mix of premium tests and features. All 10 people begin all of the assessments. 

Whether or not the candidates complete the assessments is irrelevant, since all of them began all of the assessments. So in this case, Emily uses three assessment credits and 30 candidate credits. We do not recommend using the platform in this fashion.


Scenario five

Emily invites 50 people to complete an assessment. 25 people begin the assessment before day 67. On the 68th day, Emily clones the assessment and invites the other 25 people to the new version of the assessment. 10 people begin the new version of the assessment.

In this case, Emily uses two assessment credits and 35 candidate credits.

Tip: If you find that you are consistently using overage credits and you still have 4 months or more before your plan renews, it might be worth considering an upgrade!


June 2022 changes

On June 21, 2022, we made changes to our Pay-as-you-go plan. If you signed up for Pay-as-you-go before this date, your plan will continue for one year with the features that it included at the time of purchase.

When your plan comes up for renewal, you will automatically be renewed on our current Pay-as-you-go plan. If you have questions about feature changes between the two plans, please search your inbox for our email or get in touch with our success team.


Plans predating August 2021

If you are subscribed to a TestGorilla plan predating August 2021, you can find the pricing details for those plans below.

 Rise Plan

Currency Monthly Subscription Cost of additional candidates on a monthly subscription Annual Subscription Cost of additional candidates on an annual subscription


$40.00 monthly $13.75 per candidate $369.00 annually $10.45 per candidate
EUR €40.00 monthly €13.75 per candidate €369.00 annually

€10.45 per candidate

GBP £35.00 monthly £11.00 per candidate £314.00 annually £8.25 per candidate
AUD $66.00 monthly $22.00 per candidate $644.00 annually $17.60 per candidate


The Rise plan includes:

  • Unlimited access to our entire library of over 400 tests
  • Each of your assessments can include any combination of up to five tests and five custom questions from the following types:
    • Multiple-choice
    • Essay
    • File upload
    • Video
  • Numerous ATS integrations
  • Brand assessments with your logo and color
  • Unlimited assessments
    • 3 candidates per month included (monthly subscription) or 36 candidates per year (annual subscription)


 Scale Plan

Currency Monthly Subscription Cost of additional candidates on a monthly subscription Annual Subscription Cost of additional candidates on an annual subscription


$204.00 monthly $10.45 per candidate $1,964.00 annually $8.25 per candidate
EUR €204.00 monthly €10.45 per candidate €1,964.00 annually

€8.25 per candidate

GBP £176.00 monthly £8.80 per candidate £1,634.00 annually £7.15 per candidate
AUD $358.00 monthly $17.60 per candidate $3,449.00 annually $13.75 per candidate


The Scale plan includes:

  • Unlimited access to our entire library of over 400 tests
  • Each of your assessments can include any combination of up to five tests and five custom questions from the following types:
    • Multiple-choice
    • Essay
    • File upload
    • Video
  • Numerous ATS integrations
  • Brand assessments with your logo and color
  • Unlimited assessments
    • 20 candidates per month included (monthly subscription) or 240 candidates per year (annual subscription)


 Business Plan

Currency Monthly Subscription Cost of additional candidates on a monthly subscription Annual Subscription Cost of additional candidates on an annual subscription


$688.00 monthly $6.88 per candidate $6,595.00 annually $5.50 per candidate
EUR €688.00 monthly €6.88 per candidate €6,595.00 annually

€5.50 per candidate

GBP £616.00 monthly £6.05 per candidate £5,775.00 annually £4.95 per candidate
AUD $1,238.00 monthly $12.10 per candidate $11,550.00 annually $9.35 per candidate


The Business plan includes:

  • Unlimited access to our entire library of over 400 tests
  • Each of your assessments can include any combination of up to five tests and five custom questions from the following types:
    • Multiple-choice
    • Essay
    • File upload
    • Video
  • Numerous ATS integrations
  • Brand assessments with your logo and color
  • Unlimited assessments
    • 100 candidates per month included (monthly subscription) or 1200 candidates per year (annual subscription)


Common questions

Can I switch from my Legacy credit-based plan to the new unlimited plans?

Yes, you can switch from the previous credit-based plans to the Starter or Pro plans. For information on how to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan, please read our guide: Subscribe to, change, or cancel a plan.

I am a returning customer. I would like to continue my previous monthly subscription. How can I do this?
TestGorilla no longer offers monthly plans. You would need to choose from our current yearly plans, which allow access to an unlimited amount of candidates and assessments.

When is an assessment credit consumed?
An assessment credit is consumed when an external candidate begins taking a premium assessment. For full details on this, check out the section on assessment credits above.

When is a candidate credit consumed?
A candidate credit is consumed when an external candidate begins taking a premium assessment. For full details, see the section on candidate credits above.

How do I purchase more credits?
You don’t need to! If you run out of credits, we’ll refill your account when the annual billing date rolls around. Before that, we’ll automatically charge you for used credits every month. Check out the section on billing cycles for full details. If you find you’re consistently using overage credits and your plan doesn’t renew for a few months yet, it’s worth considering an upgrade. Get in touch to discuss your options!

My Legacy plan has expired, but I need to access information from previous assessments. How can I do this?
You’ll need to upgrade to one of our current paid plan offerings to access data on an expired plan. If you have questions regarding this, please let us know.

Where can I find information about what my legacy plan includes?
The Plan & billing tab details the number of credits included with your plan, along with how many have been used. If you have further questions, please reach out to our support team.

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